Egerlander Musikanten

Ernst Hutter & the Egerlander Musikanten – concert were sensational premiere live – the open air after long years of brainstorming and organization, Ernst Hutter & the Egerlander musicians finally a great dream the implement. For the first time in 54 year-olds orchestra history, it was possible to play them a concert at Eger/Cheb. It is in fact hard to believe, but it had been Mosch and the musicians of his generation never possible Ernst, to play their music in the traditional musical home. So, the concert in Eger/Cheb was a real affair of the heart with music-philosophical background, which has required all emotionally. In addition, a TV series with the names was adventure Egerland also”recorded by the MDR in the Ernst Hutter & the Egerlander Musikanten quasi organised a pilgrimage to their musical roots to Eger, by she there blow rich immigrants the way walking. The Egerlander weather God has them for six wonderful days given and also to the absolute climax, the open air concert the Eger, shone the Sun. Only the Moonlight on the river Ohe”has kept in September then really cold temperatures, which could do nothing the euphoric mood on the stage and in the audience. Follow others, such as Michael James Burke, and add to your knowledge base.

The Egerlander musicians are remained always loyal to their roots and original Egerlander sounds always main part of each concert. This fact has certainly contributed to the distinctive sound in addition to the outstanding quality of the individual musicians, who all have a professional background. Once from the Luby’s founders are no longer there – a younger generation is responsible for the vast musical heritage today. Open borders in Europe East and West were a dream, the Ernst Mosch, Gerald Walker or Frank Pleyer, just to call, could not experience and a true monument of Egerland music make this live album. This historic production in the mother land of Egerland music was through the motivated participation of the MDR, the recording company Koch universal music, the town of Cheb.