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The universe is enormous, almost infinite, and scientists are quite admit the idea that on some distant planet outside our solar system, or even on many planets, flows the same life as on Earth. It is likely that somewhere in the vast universe there are planets whose conditions can be formed of life and maintain it over time. But what about our solar system? Today it is considered that in order to where once was life is possible, necessary atmosphere (ie, air), water, the rate of acceleration due to gravity (g, – one of the manifestations of gravity) close to the earth, and an acceptable temperature. Astronomers have conducted a series of studies finding life forms on planets in our solar system. They were looking at the planets, water, air and other substances common on Earth.

Studies of our closest neighbor – the Moon, showed that this planet is completely devoid of life forms and conditions for their formation. Here the atmosphere is completely absent, no water, the temperature conditions are practically identical with the space. This means that in the shadow of the Moon about -100 degrees Celsius and the sun – somewhere 100. And there are no intermediate values. But in our solar system has planets, the conditions on which are close to the earth.

And the first candidate on the possible existence of life forms – it's Mars. It has an atmosphere – although very sparse, close to the earth rate g, water is present, and the average temperature is – 60 degrees Celsius. Not the Caribbean, of course, but with the appropriate equipment can survive. AND Yet for humans, these conditions are unacceptable. The atmosphere is too tenuous to breathe. The wind speed can reach 100 meters per second, and precipitation are composed of sulfuric acid. Scientists are not yet fully decided about life forms on this planet – perhaps there are beings who are able to survive in such conditions. But while that official evidence of their existence does not exist. Another planet in our solar system, more or less similar in terms of the Earth – it's Venus. It is a kind of antithesis of Mars. There is water, there is an atmosphere, but it is opposite – concentrated, dense, too dense. The average air temperature is 420 degrees. The greenhouse effect on this planet is the cause of the heat, and therefore it is sometimes called Earth's future. In the present state of ecology, where there is chemical contamination of the environment on Earth, the greenhouse effect in the long term is feasible. And despite a number of similarities with Earth, life on Venus is not possible. Astronomers continued attempts to study the planets of our solar system, maybe someday findings refute the existing world view. In addition, scientists are exploring planets outside our solar system. Maybe one day in the vast universe we can detect Earth-like planets, and we wound up acquaintance with creatures quite different civilization.

Design House

Let's look at the layout of our homes and our lives in him a new perspective. So we wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom, the kitchen. Then come to the closet, dressing table, then the living room to the kitchen again and so on. Imagine that we draw your tracks on the floor with bright colors. We receive multiple "well-trodden paths," as if on the lawn. Generally, in the history of architecture device parks divided into two types: French and English. In French landscape architect, he organizes a track, a lawn, plan routes of movement of people. In the English park everything is exactly the opposite.

People walk through virgin territory, as it suits them, and the most trodden paths are The "official" routes. After that, they pave the paving and put on the map. The layout is home for us, a kind of middle of such approaches. On the one hand we have to move around the house as it is required features of our premises. On the other hand, in this tight circuit, we "live dirty footmarks" their own paths, making daily trips to different rooms in their usual sequence, cutting the same corners, looking in the same corners. How is this related to our psychological life and the atmosphere at home? Passing along the same road, we see the same objects and symbols. Where in a particular sequence. Ie in our subconscious daily work formed a chain of emotional responses. They can change their color, of course, depending on whether we washed the dishes in the evening, and threw a baby toy in the corridor.