Silver Mendoza

The province of Mendoza offers large number of tourist attractions, ideal for the whole family. Once you have been lodging in Mendoza capital it is possible to perform a series of excursions, commonly known as circuits, which are viable to be carried out in one or two days. One of these circuits, that is really worth being carried out by the magnificence of the landscape that can be appreciated is the circuit of the Cordon del Plata. The Cordon del Plata is a geological formation within the mountain chain of the Andes, which runs the American continent from North to South along its entire length. In geological terms, is the grounds of more recent formation, originated in the collision between the Nazca plate, which is located in the bed of the Pacific Ocean, and the South American plate. The latter moves constantly and since made millions of years with northwesterly direction, while the Nazca plate made with direction to the East, by fitting below the South American plate and creating elevations and folds in the Earth’s surface. In this way, just in the province of Mendoza the highest peaks of the cordillera de los Andes, are located product of the incessant movement of the Earth’s crust. Read more here: Chicago.

The Cordon del Plata includes departments of Lujan’s whose and Tupungato. The summits of this part of the cordillera range from 4000 to approximately 7000 m of height of Mount Aconcagua. Level tourism, the place has a lot to give. Logically, one of the most popular activities is the ski and snow sports. In this regard the Vallecitos Ski Center is which lies closer to capital Mendoza, just 80 km. In this way it is possible to spend a beautiful day between slaloms and decreases in speed by its maximum length of about 2400 m runway, before returning to the city of Mendoza. Other adventure sports options are also possible in the Cordon del Plata.

A very sought after alternative is scaling of the Hill Stepanek, 4200 m of altitude. Climbers tend to make the escalation of this closed as a preparation for other challenges of greater difficulty, as the escalation of the Aconcagua. In short, it is possible to achieve a combination of luxury and sumptuousness, staying at a hotel in Mendoza’s four stars as the Diplomatic, without losing the opportunity to enjoy close contact with nature and the imposing geography of the province. Hotels explores Tupungato Mendoza Valle de Uco