Monthly Archives: July 2024


“The translator as a pharmacist in addition to his linguistic and technical abilities is for the professional translators of advantage, if he is able, almost in the style of an actor” in a particular role “to empathize with, usually so in the source language text author. In this respect, a high degree of flexibility is needed on the part of all translators. For even more details, read what Stephen M. Ross says on the issue. Depending on a specific subject area or the here relevant terminology is more specific, the more demanding is the activity of the translator. A field that represents a high degree of difficulty especially in regard to the used technical language or terminology that is the Specialty Pharmacy. Our translation agency provides qualified translators available who specialise in the translation of Pharmacy specialist texts.

Thematically the different texts that are incurred within the pharmacy, are very diverse. For example, German English as translations in the field of Toxicology to belong to the Repertoire of the Translation agencies. To translated texts are also in the fields of medicinal or pharmaceutical morphology. Our translation agency can also text translations in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry Pharmacology, molecular biology or biochemistry take over, just as in the subject areas. Furthermore this is nationwide operating companies on German English translations in the field of Pathobiochemistry, German Chinese translations specializes in drug substance analysis or French English translations in the specialty pathophysiology. Translations in the fields of Pharmacoepidemiology, biogenic medicines, or even Pharmakookonomie are also an important task field of pharmacy of professional translator. The offered language combinations of the foreign service provider are in quasi unlimited. Enabling translations in the common”languages like German German, Italian-German or German offered are English, French Spanish. But also includes the standard program of translation agencies Language combinations including English Turkish, Russian French, Dutch Chinese, Korean Spanish etc. Pharmaceutical translations are made by qualified translators with relevant studies, usually so a study or a degree in pharmacy, chemistry or medicine. An important aspect with regard to a quality translation product is the fact that the employed translators translate only into their mother tongue.

Victims Await Eagerly BGH Judgment To Lehman Certificates Against HASPA

The German Federal Supreme Court (short BGH) will negotiate a topic urgently waiting for the investors. Munich, September 2011; The German Federal Supreme Court (short BGH) will negotiate at 27.09.2011 to a topic, urgently waiting for the investors. It will be important whether a Bank has recommended the plaintiffs certificates, would need to enlighten better investors. In the case have certificates recommended getting the investors of its Advisory Bank and later noted with astonishment that is something else behind, when the Adviser explained. Critical for banks, the question may be whether banks through so-called profit margins would need to enlighten. Could such a judgment be groundbreaking for aggrieved investors, and significantly facilitate the assertion of claims of faulty advice. In the judgment of the Federal Court of Justice involves Lehman certificates, which the Hamburger Sparkasse (HASPA short), like many other banks, about the Commerzbank (Dresdner Bank) or Citibank (Targobank), especially in the years of 2006 to 2008, on their customers had brought. “” Discussions two customers are based on the decisions, which respectively EUR 10,000 in a Lehman Bull express guarantee bond “and an express loan protect” invested.

This is the Dutch Lehman Brothers Treasury Co.B.V., whose Ruckzahlung included a guarantee by the US Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. to bearer bonds. Both had to file for bankruptcy. This judgment is expected with high voltage for several reasons: the BGH had already by judgment of 19 December 2006 – XI ZR 56/05, and judgment of the 20.01.2009 – XI ZR 510/07 decided that, if a bank advises its customers on investments and securities recommends, where she concealed kickbacks from the fees and receives annual management fees, she must educate the customers on these refunds. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Richard LeFrak has to say. Just so the customer can judge whether the investment recommendation alone in the customer interest has been made or in the interest of the Bank, to get highest possible reimbursements such as Attorney for banking and capital market law Anja Appelt of Cape lawyers Munich spelled.

TEL Protection

Entrepreneur receives total cost for damage incurred, since Federal Office for the protection of the Constitution had illegally traded entrepreneur receives total cost for damage. Federal Office for the protection of the Constitution had acted illegally. Cologne regional court sentenced Federal Office for the protection of the Constitution. The authority violated his duties to a contractor and member of Scientology and was sentenced to pay damages. A professionally independent contractor was hired to install FIFA World Cup during the FIFA 2006 the sound reinforcement systems for a stadium.

A so-called accreditation procedure was carried out for companies working there. Under this procedure, the Federal Office for constitutional protection, the BKA sent a negative vote because the entrepreneur Scientologist. Then, the order had to withdrawn the entrepreneur. With absolute judgment of the 15.1.2009, the Administrative Court stated Cologne, that the delivery of a negative vote on the part of the Federal Agency on the BKA was illegal (case No. 20 K 1673/07). Judgment of the 26.5.2011 (AZ. 5 O 267/10), it is now known, the Landgericht Koln noted that the Federal Office for protection of the Constitution has violated his duties towards the entrepreneurs and said that the incurred damages amounting to approximately 4,400 euros in addition to interest and costs in full. The judgment became final recently.

It is not the first time that the authorities of protection of the Constitution have tried to discriminate against members of the Scientology community and harm in their professional or economic existence. It is remarkable with what determination the concerned courts are confronting these illegal activities. Recently, the annual report of the US State Department on religious freedom in the world has denounced various discrimination in Germany against Scientologists. In Germany, there are about 12000 Scientologists, who is in charge of 10 churches and numerous missions. In addition, there are numerous humanitarian associations are supported by Scientologists, respectively founded were, including in the area of drug prevention, drug rehabilitation, in promoting human rights in the fight against abuses in Psychiatry, and elsewhere. More information: press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.

Happy Alone – How Satisfied Are Germany

Every third German today more or less voluntarily chooses a single life. In big cities, even each second is located in any relationship. It is clear that this involves not only disadvantages. But really how happy are Germany’s singles? The Internet portal has for its users once hooked up. The beneficial result: Although would feel about half of the respondents like but not unduly disadvantaged a partner in their current situation. Men 58 percent call themselves happy searching”, among women with a percentage of only imperceptibly less 54 percent. For others, the single life is however not a long-term model of life.

Seven percent of the women and 12 percent of male participants of believed to live not permanently alone and still happy be are so. Fortunately, there are also more optimistic voices and that especially from the female front! About 31 percent of women and 22 percent of men enjoy Single life in its fullest and specify, that you can be happy without a functioning relationship. If not there is father of the idea? At least, the partnership is alone no guarantee of happiness. “Even seven percent of women and 9 percent of the male respondents see this as, who agree to the Group and a happy life as a single, at least for most likely” keep. 102 men and 67 women participated in the anonymous survey of 169 singles of the platform. The age played no role in the participation.

Heidenreich Eschwege

Autohaus Heidenreich thanked the beclever werbeagentur AG with a short trip good two weeks after is the first excitement to the finale of Germanys next Topmodel, the glamour of the finalists, the winner model Lovelyn and last but not least the slightly revealing stage conquest of the now nationwide familiar Femen activists has put the beclever werbeagentur AG in Gottingen, would like to take the opportunity to say thank you for an exceptional customer gift: Early May we have together with our customers, the dealership Heidenreich Eschwege and Witzenhausen, Eva seeks the Modelcontest ADAM’ organized. In relation to the Opel of marketing of ADAM, 15 models from all over Germany on the site of Eschwege have presented by well over 300 applicants a total different outfits before a large audience and a jury around the TV stylist Astrid Rudolph. The event can be seen as a video. Because the event was a complete success, the Managing Director of the car dealership, Jorg Heidenreich, my staff and me has together our winner model Rona Gashi and other employees of the dealership promptly to the finale of Germanys next Topmodel invited”, enthuses Kirsten Winkelbach. Behind the scenes at GNTM Gottingen advertising agency’s owner has the catwalk in Eschwege together with her team before intensive weeks, so that the event still long Heidenreich customers will remain in the memory: it was simply incredible what we have put this together with beclever on the legs. Professor Rita McGrath follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. “It voted just everything: the weather, the participants, guests and of course the Organization and how could you thank matching for a successful model casting, as with cards for the finale of GNTM”, explains Jorg Heidenreich, who was kept informed during the finale by mobile phone about the events on the ground.

Jorg has regularly get photos of us from the stage, our outfits and the celebrities. That was a whole new experience for my team and me time. It was a really exciting as big stars, like Heidi Klum, Bruno Mars, Robin Thicke and psy live to experience and of course it is also interesting, so what happens behind the scenes of a such a big TV event. We had lots of fun anyway,”, sums up angle Brook, which is looking forward already to the many other advertising campaigns and ideas which they would like to realize in the next few months together with the dealership Heidenreich.

PhotoBox PhotoBox

Photo tips from PhotoBox for the best holiday photos! Hamburg, July 29, 2010 whether hustle and bustle in the streets of New York, favorite Cafe on the beach or flowers of rare plants is the holiday season full of unique photo moments. To broaden your perception, visit Nobel Laureate in Economics. For the photo of the favorite motif perfectly succeed, PhotoBox offers many helpful tips and suggestions for unforgettable holiday pictures! So, such as photographing small details, such as from the ornate entrance to a local restaurant or by the romantic table, great stories can tell and create exciting image series, which bring out the most beautiful holiday impressions in a special way. “Who are missing yet unusual photo ideas, which can also postcards are inspired by this way are usually beautiful motifs find after shooting,” received their own personal note. There are many more tips for photographing at: so the most beautiful photos according to the Holiday home even long holiday feeling spread, offering a variety of products whether PhotoBox photo prints, photo book, wall calendars or photo canvas. “Tim, fan of PhotoBox on Facebook ( PhotoBoxDE), for example, writes that like to depict his memories in a photo book: I will present the best of my holiday pictures from this year in a photo book to my friends and relatives.” Photos get so its very special place and perfectly attune on your next holiday! About PhotoBox PhotoBox ( is European market leader for photo services on the Internet. With its 11 million members, PhotoBox stands for the hallmarks of innovation, quality and competitive prices in the market of online photo services. PhotoBox offers to the secure storage and sharing photos on the online platform, photo prints, as well as a wide range of original and innovative photo products, each user can personalize.

Happy Sun Protection

Now in many cheeky designs as soon as the first rays of the Sun bring warmer temperatures in the spring, it draws people out there gardens, playgrounds and parks, swimming pools and Lakes be recaptured UV protection for children after the long winter break. Especially children want and should have fun outdoors and move. You are exposed to the Sun in particular so naturally. The children provide plenty of exercise in the open air and at the same time protect from head to toe from too much UV radiation, this is the slogan of many parents. The skin of children and infants is very sensitive, especially the head and the neck. When playing outdoors, suitable headwear is therefore a must.

To protect the children, but not only against sunburn on the head, but also from a sunstroke. The Patchana’ sophisticated sun protection for children and adults an excellent sun protection is the Patchana of patch wear a head scarf in the application simple and convenient. Due to the special nature of carrying the bandana designed originally for athletes, especially for children ideal: it fits perfectly to the head and is very pleasant on the skin by the cuddly and soft fabrics. The laterally integrated elastic enable growth with”the head covering. In addition they give perfect support, nothing slipped or whether flies at the romping, splashing or digging.

Especially for young children, the Patchana is therefore an ideal companion to protect the sensitive head skin from too much sun and to prevent a sunstroke. In the spring or fall, the headscarf replaces also the cap on cooler days. The Patchana fits easily whenever a cheerful protection for small heads is required. The Patchana comes in many fancy and sassy designs and is suitable for small people from one and a half years. Patch-wear by Alexandra Kaiser with untreated fabrics hand-made in Germany”the Patchanas are subject to the high quality standards of patch wear by Alexandra Kaiser. You are in particular the sensitive children’s skin chemical free and good for appropriate allergy-free materials: Are inside and non-woven core cotton with German eco certificate. All products are washable at 30 c and not run when washing. Like all patch-wear by Alexandra Kaiser products are also the Patchanas in its own production in Germany only handmade. The products are sold by patch-wear on sporting events and through the webshop under.

Buy Cheap Online Car Parts And Compare

The service offerings of the auto part comparison of Carmio – launch of auto parts price comparison – best price by additional market basket analysis – part number search for Super fast access – price savings of up to 70 percent when buying spare parts with your special price comparison for car parts facilitate the two founders of Nikolai Roth and cord-Christian Nitzsche the purchase of auto parts on the Internet: on can be searched easily and quickly correct spare parts for almost all types of vehicles. By clearly listing by price, shops and brands up to 70 percent when compared to local providers are possible this way price savings”, explains managing director Nikolai Roth the merits of his website. Through the free and neutral aggregation of all market-relevant information, Carmio creates a new market and product transparency for the car parts trade. This service is worthwhile not only for the hobby screwdriver at home, but is also addressed to the independent repair shops and resellers. You can use the Price advantage pass on directly to their customers and this beaten way offerings or at the part purchase save money”, it brings co-founder cord-Christian Nitzsche on the point. In the shopping cart at several products of various providers can and are collected for different vehicle models. In basket combinations, Carmio then indicates which products in which auto parts stores would be ordered to get the very best price and save unnecessary shipping costs.

Because not always the choice of the best items price corresponds to the best price. We get off the user at the beginning of his quest lead him directly to the desired product and facilitate him the entire buying process”, explains cord-Christian Nitzsche and further: our simple search for the HSN – and TSN numbers or by direct entry of the manufacturer part number all matching parts in a matter of seconds can be find and compare. Of course individual manufacturers is also the parts selection possible.” The search after the appropriate spare parts and its supply usually only two or three days pass, because the shops send directly after receipt of payment. Carmio: is the new auto parts price comparison on the Internet. Neutral and independent Carmio creates market – and product transparency.

Simply select your car and all the suitable spare parts are listed by brand and price structure quickly and clearly. So one click to find the cheapest provider and receives background information about spare parts and tips at the same time for the repair. The providers and car parts manufacturers are valued according to quality and reliability, can guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction. The Carmio Internet GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany was founded in early 2010 by Nikolai Roth and cord-Christian Nitzsche and has set itself the goal, to create the largest comparison of auto parts on the Internet within three years.

Used Car Loans UK: Easy And Affordable

Used car loan to finance candidates for buying used car. Anyone can bid on financial measures and the provision of credit and personal information. Usual price increases and flat income people the opportunity to make some new or expensive car to buy. In this case, they decide to buy a used car. Than lacquer of financial resources remains a major obstacle, and seek external funds for buying a car.

If you were to by both parties, consider a reliable used car loan. Used car loans are specifically for those with the means to buy a used car. Click Clayton Morris to learn more. In other words, used car loans provide a reasonable number of candidates to buy a used car. The plan gives priority to the loan or the allocation of resources in two options: secure and unsecured. Guaranteed approved if the applicant instead of a guarantee against the loan privileges many of them to borrow at low interest Council. While rate unsecured loan amount allocated without demanding guarantees of ultra-delicate with a slightly higher.

The maturity date used car loan 2-7 years grace. Each type of credit loan holders can sign design and supply of used car. Poor credit holders barely feel and financial nuances of the car easy and reliable way, he opted for a used car loan. If the bad credit holders a refund check, as said, then used car loans to recover from the loss of their financial situation. Used car loan the way for the people is the owner of the vehicle. However, little effort will help to better address and more comfortable. Therefore, while always lending funds rate of car, and the funds are not needed. So you can measure your monthly payment burden and the ability to control the future of your fund this position. Information about used car loans can be obtained by facilities-line. Online application, the device has made the process of approval is much faster and easier than conventional methods. Despite creditors visit individual applicants will receive information about the used car loan to click the table of the web. Addy Roy is author of loans n Finance.For more information about military loans uk and short term personal loans visit

Wireless Monitoring

Cocoa beans sweat hate Hamburg warehouse and logistics service provider mandated E-senza technologies with a wireless system for continuous temperature and humidity monitoring his precious goods. With proper storage, cocoa beans should have a water content of between 6% and 8%. Are the values for the relative humidity exceeded the cocoa beans can mouldy and after ferment. In the worst case, the total loss of the cocoa beans goes with it. The optimum air humidity during storage is 70% to 75%.

The temperature in the storage of the beans is as important as the humidity. At a room temperature of about 25 these can become rancid, to ferment even heat and ignite. In addition to too high a temperature, the cocoa beans also no frost must be exposed. To ensure the freshness and maintain the quality cocoa mountain were sampled in the past regularly by an employee manually. They had to then be evaluated in the laboratory. This was time consuming and costly. Several cocoa mountains with an average nine sensors in terms of temperature and humidity are monitored with the wireless sensor network SenzNET. The devices have 30cm and 200cm long rods made of food-safe stainless steel and are admitted into the cocoa mountain top. o.

At the end of the rods, special specially developed filter for the measurement of humidity is located between the cocoa beans. Through the different bars, the parameters are measured at the same time in the upper and lower part of the cocoa mountain. The devices are equipped with two large and stable radio antennas, which have a high range and ensure the usage in this harsh environment. Read more here: Professor Rita McGrath. By using the GPRS gateway, the values of the dual sensors bundled and transmitted to the several kilometres distant Enterprise Server. The wireless gateway provides time synchronization, routing and scheduling services, and serves as a cache for the measured data. The wireless monitoring software helps SenzWMS in the Central display, management and evaluation of measured values by means of a user-friendly graphical user interface. With the software critical thresholds can be monitored and deviations, it automatically triggers an alarm.