Monthly Archives: July 2024

Birth And Death

Everything what dies is because one day was born. This happens with all the Creation. The conquest of Active the Immortal Spirit only differs the Human being from the rude one. Why? Because mineral, vegetal, animal, all hominal and its intermediate have the same way to die. They are of the land and for the land they go. The Spirit if only raises the plans highest, therefore it does not join to the dust. Birth and death 1 Sabes you it time where the monteses goats have the children or took care of of the does when give its create? 2 Pods to count the months that fulfill? Or you know the time of its childbirth? Book of J Prophet, CAP. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Professor Rita McGrath on most websites.

39:1 and 2. Birth and death Have direction the same, the person are born and die, In the same contiguous spirit. It also has a death and birth cycle; It has the permanence of the Life, Here in the Land and Beyond. Nine months are the time That if is in the maternal womb, How much time the Spirit if it prepares to conquer the Perpetual one? It does not have nothing ad-lib In the House of the Celestial Father; The Spirit lives and breathes, Therefore it is a Being Immortal. For GOD It does not have gift, Nor future, nor past, It is always, Here and of the other side..

Removal Of The Uterus (hysterectomy)

Interview on operation through the key-hole women who have their uterus removed (hysterectomy), can use for some time on a more gentle method: instead of large cuts in the abdominal wall, tiny openings ranging the surgeon doing. In the interview, which is on the side of the online health magazine, explains Dr. med. “” “Frank Piczlewicz, senior physician in the clinic for Gynecology and obstetrics at the Elisabeth hospital food, the intervention through the key hole”: an enlarged uterus, which can weigh even over 500 grams, is of course not as easy through the key hole “be removed as a relatively small gall bladder”, so the physician. This was made possible in recent years by innovative medical equipment.

With a new device, the so-called Morcellator, succeeds in today but the fabric so cut that it safely and easily can be removed in a few minutes.” This laparoscopic intervention will minimize the scarring, so Piczlewicz. Reading you the detailed interview on..gebaermutter_durch_schluesselloch_op.html is among other things explains what advantages does this type of uterus removal in addition and why the cervix today routinely not more is taken out. Without hesitation Clayton Morris explained all about the problem. is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising. Contact: rrm Rhine RUHR MED Zeche Zollverein, Hall 10 Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 45309 Essen phone + 49 (0) 201-7591340 Web: E-Mail: M. Rabe

Easy Apple Pie Recipe

6 medium apples let’s cut it into slices like half moon and put them in a lado3 eggs 300 grams of sugar milk half a cup or 100 grams 100 grams of butter 300 grams of flour 1 sachet of yeast royal now prepares the ground for the easy homemade Apple Pie: in a bowl, place 3 eggs and 300 grams of sugar and mix wellnow add milk mix and 100 grams of butter, 300 grams of flour and yeast mix everything well the dough. Mix well, find a source of blast furnace, especially, and lined with baking paper (and better if this damp and now we can our dough.) Then add the apples and inserts them in slices on the dough as in the photo cover with a thin layer of sugar during cooking will make a nice crust. We put our dough in oven preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Tart recipes source of Apple Apple Pie that we present today is one of the fastest, rich and tasty that we have developed in house. today has to say. The test beam and will be easy to prepare and homemade apple pie recipes. home, Cake, pastries, soft, creamy and very delicious, Apple do want are richer if they are served warm, it was enough with heat stroke and cream of milk or whipped cream, butter balls puts on top and sprinkled.? puff pastry with pastry cream and a brilliant coverage, is with jelly, jam .cortada into pieces. We put the cake in the oven.. .

Mr Steffen Hatko

Everyone can get connected – with negative Schufaeintrag a real relief for the complete life is the invention of the Internet. Many people can’t live anymore without and in the meantime you can do many things, even via the Internet. People who live off Hartz IV, on the edge of poverty or with many, many debts, often unable to get an Internet connection. Bizzi & Partners has much to offer in this field. The reason is the negative Schufa entry. Each provider will overtake on the Schufa information and there is an entry, then you will have trouble in any case to get the connection for the Internet. But, you can get Internet despite Schufaeintrag. Steffen Hatko can help here. He is the founder of the website. In these pages he explains, as he succeeded has to get DSL without Schufa. Read his story and benefit free of charge from his tips. On this page, you can find links to the vendors schufafrei offered a connection to the Internet. You can contact allow further connect directly to these pages and fill in your application form. Then nothing more in the way is your future in the World Wide Web. Mr Hatko hopes that you will share your experiences with him. Benefit from its experience and research and the best still come on his side. You will be amazed, how many known providers, you may submit your application. Internet without Schufaauskunft, do you know any other ways? Maybe want to tell other people also? Write today on Mr Steffen Hatko and show other interested parties that they are not alone and that there is always a way to get his rights. Steffen Hale

Desired Weight

Just and vital lose weight with GranoSLIM by DR. GRANDEL Augsburg, in January 2010: feel easy and finally rank and slim can be so easy with GranoSLIM by DR. GRANDEL. The new protein-figure diet was developed by the Augsburg health experts with the aim to reduce adipose tissue during the weight loss phase and largely preserved the muscles. Because a man has more muscle mass, his natural energy is greater and more fat can be burned there, so the background at GranoSLIM by DR. GRANDEL.

Enjoyable weight loss with GranoSLIM drinks in three flavours: raspberry yogurt, Peach Mango and chocolate banana is first of all tasty. In addition GranoSLIM provides the body of DR. GRANDEL with high-quality whey and milk protein, these important nutrients get the power of vitamins, minerals and trace elements during the weight loss phase. The GranoSLIM meals are prepared easily and quickly. All GranoSLIM drinks by DR.

GRANDEL are good wholesome and easy to digest. They saturate over several hours and prevent unpleasant feeling of hunger while of losing weight. Nobel Laureate in Economics describes an additional similar source. To completely replace a meal with the help of GranoSLIM, 32 g of powder (at the chocolate banana flavour 40 g) dissolved in 300 ml of low-fat milk and mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil (4 g sunflower oil or safflower oil). Users effectively and successfully take off, DR. health experts recommend GRANDEL in addition to a low-calorie diet with sufficient fluid intake and regular exercise. By DR. GRANDEL, GranoSLIM is January in health food stores, pharmacies and beauty institutes, as well as under available. Information: Phone: 0821 3202 0, Internet: this might also interest you: more information is at about DR. GRANDEL DR. GRANDEL is a company with tradition: the History of the experts in natural health and beautiful being Dr. GRANDEL ranges in the year 1947. DR. GRANDEL products be via selected commercial partners and distributed online through and. GRANDEL DR. places special emphasis on natural ingredients that are in harmony with the nature. DR. GRANDEL stands for premium quality made in Germany “. The products from DR. GRANDEL offer three major advantages: the efficacy, tolerability and the proven quality. Contact DR. GRANDEL GmbH Mrs Cerstin Schreiber Pfladergasse 7-13 86150 Augsburg press contact: m + w project Linda Mittelstaedt Rosenheimer Strasse 12 81669 Munchen phone: 089 30767500 fax: 089 30767509 E-Mail:

Safety Service

At the same time he is responsible for all the crew, who will report all incidents that may occur. 3 .- Second Officer (second officer) works in coordination with the mate and usually take turns in controlling the bridge. It performs the same functions as the official Prime 4 .- Cadet (cadet) trainee officers are usually withdrawn from maritime schools. They usually play their part in the bridge always supervised by the second officer. 5 .- Chief Engineer (engineer chief) Along with the master has one of the highest positions in the boat. Under his responsibility is all the mechanical operation of the ship.

From engine that will drive the boat, propellers .. to the generation of electricity for air conditioning. 6 .- Official radio / communications. (Chief radio officer) Although its work on the bridge lies its mission focuses on the ship’s communications with earth. Currently, these communications are conducted via satellite and among his greatest performances stood the geo-location of the boat to know the exact position at all times and to act in case of accident. Famous was the communications officer on the Titanic who dedicated the current SOS code. Learn more at: REBNY.

7 – Safety (security) All cruise ships have their own security service which monitors and oversees both passengers and crew, acting when there is some kind of problem, dispute or providing security to the ships when they docked at the pier, controlling access to them. 8 .- Head of environmental department (Environmental Officer) In recent years this position has joined the crew to control and protect the vessel damage could occur to the environment environment. This control functions include the recycling of water, wastewater treatment, emission of pollutants … 9 .- Medical service (medical officer) in the current real cruisers are designed hospitals on board. A related site: Clayton Morris mentions similar findings. We may find operating rooms, hospital rooms, dental .. All services on the ground that a hospital could offer. In charge of this department is medicalized medical officer. Along with the nurses and provide the best medical care at sea. 10 .- Director of the hotel (hotel manager) next to the captain and chief engineer to make the maximum status board. Its function is focused on the optimal service to passengers. His duties include everything from lodging and food .. to the shows and entertainment programs. 11 .- Entertainment At the orders of the hotel manager his function is to have all the fun activities for all age groups on board the cruise. Also responsible for all the shows and events held on the cruise. The ultimate responsibility This department is the Cruise Director (cruise director). Now you have no excuse for not properly greeting an officer when matches in the elevator.

Working Market Economy

The financial sector, the Federal Government and the waste of tax money bank failures were and remain taboo in Germany. For a bank bailout of German industry Bank and Hypo Real Estate billions have been spent. The result: the patient financial sector expect no excellence foreseeable. The financial crisis in Germany has industrial bank with the rescue of the Germans in 2007 started and an end is not in sight. Visit Clayton Morris for more clarity on the issue. The negative impact on the real economy are becoming increasingly evident. The figures speak a clear language. There is talk of a deep recession with large R, perhaps even an economic depression with a small d.

What 2009 came in in the first two weeks of February to fundamental news, was more than questionable. German gross domestic product posted a record decline in the fourth quarter (- 2.1%), industrial production fell by as much as 18 years not more (- 4.6%). The recession is here and is also no longer go in 2009. Financial institutions tend default risks in recessions of less credit to forgive, because are comparatively high. The banks see these days many bankruptcies and try to keep their loss as low as possible, for example, through the sale of divisions, seeking merger partners, or through corporate insolvencies. This is perfectly legitimate and part of a functioning social market economy. Many banks are due to the financial crisis in a difficult situation, and in times of robust economic growth because they have neglected their risk management so-called junk bonds\”or even toxic assets\” purchased. This, in most cases by investment banks bundled claims from private mortgage loans (mortgage-backed securities, MBS) have cakes found also in Germany and first brought the German industry Bank in distress. The Federal Government decided early to allow any bank failure. The German industrial bank was rescued with taxpayers, the same happened to real estate of Hypo.

All-season Tires Have You Take Advantage

Did you ever go with all-season tires? Whether summer or winter – all-season tires, the tire safe for every kind of weather. To convey the differences between all weather tires and summer tires or winter tires, you need insight into the matter of the tires. The properties of different tires to tires for the winter is the compound of summer tyres rather hard to protect against wear and tear the tire even at high temperatures. Also, a summer tire has a tread with large blocks and numerous small grooves to allow optimum traction and good draining of water. Winter tires, however, are manufactured with a soft rubber compound so that the material of the tire also at frosty Tempetaturen remains elastic and the shovel-like blocks in the underground can wedge. In addition, the winter tyre has a larger distance between the respective blocks, causing snow, slush and rain perfectly can be derived to the outside and the tire therefore automatically cleans itself.

The tyre digs thus effectively ahead–so he has a good traction property. The all-season tires must can all simply a whole year tires must cope with the different challenges of all seasons. The all-season tires takes the functions of both a summer tire and a winter tire. A rubber compound used all weather tires so that is completely hard nor soft hardness. Grooves ensure that precipitation to the outside can be derived as well as summer and winter tyres provide the all-season tires. In addition to the grooves, the all-season tires to provide enough surface in the form of blocks, to ensure optimum adhesion to the road surface. Trade-offs are to to be able to enter In contrast to the season tires of all-weather tyres must compromise some and not the good performance of a winter tire wears out as a result more quickly on hot lanes in the summer and in the winter time succeeds. Nevertheless, an all weather tires in areas with little rainfall can and low temperature variations between summer and winter from + 25 C to-7 C on average, like in the lowlands or in some cities, easily be used. The all-season tires can also have positive aspects are the advantages of all-season tires, costs for the second set of tyres, the tyre storage and the tyre change. Not only money can be saved at all-season tires, also more leisure time left at the end of the year, which you would have otherwise spent in the workshop with advice and waiting times during installation. Should be taken to be in a car accident in the winter time at the car insurance on the safe side, an all-weather tire is actually suitable, and in addition to the M + S marking wearing the snowflake symbol (three mountain peaks and snow flake).

The Technology Of A 3D Printer

The revolution of the 3D is not stopped. This article explains basic comprehension questions of a 3D printer 3D printers are machines, which create three-dimensional workpieces based on a digital file which provides information of the object to be printed. 3D printers are a special category of digital Fabrikatoren. Within this class, 3D printers are the most important class of additive, so heaping, based on Fabrikatoren part. The 3D printing term is the generic term for a variety of different techniques.

Following procedure will see 3D subsumed: oselektives of laser melting and Elektronenstrahlschmelzenfur metal oselektives laser sintering for polymers, porcelain oStereolithografie metals and the digital light processing for liquid resins oPolyjet-modeling, as well as Fused deposition modeling for plastics and some resins 3D printers: Ultimaker original and Ultimaker 2 in 3D comes instead of the conventional.doc/.pdf character file a file format which detailed information about a 3D model contains (for example, a CAD or STL file). So the 3D printer can create your 3D object, digital 3D in a further step must be cut into individual 2-dimensional horizontal layers (layer) or gesliced and digitally processed. The result is one.STL file, which detailed contains information about the sum of the individual layers, so that every 3D printers can build a 3D object layer by layer based on this information from the individual 2D-Schichten, similar to bonding beer mats to form a cube. For more specific information, check out Rob Speyer. The result is a 3D model of consisting of one each other coatings. Ultimaker original 3D printing 3D model of an OWL 3D printers served primarily the manufacture of prototypes and models, then the production of work pieces, of which only small quantities were needed.

Managing Director

Icon added value: Launch new online Copytesting ad speed Nuremberg. These are the facts: 2010 64% are broadcast daily more commercials than in the year 2000. Since 2005 increased the number of products to 35%, which are advertised on TV. Ten to 15 spots are in an average five minutes permanent prime-time advertising block. So total a steadily rising tide of advertising. 5,590 shorter maturities, the time pressure for the development of the spot and also our all communication patterns are changing.

The criterion of “Enforcement capability within a very short time” is becoming increasingly important. Perhaps check out Robert J. Shiller for more information. The new online Copytest ad speed is exactly these changed conditions into account. Uniques tool in the market fast, inexpensive, diagnosis. Click Robert J. Shiller for additional related pages. These are the parameters of the ad speed of icon added value. If you would like to know more about Clayton Morris, then click here. What distinguishes him from the tools of the competitors but significantly is the breakthrough index with detailed awareness measurement and the P & I shift. Dr.

Hildegard basement core, Managing Director and on the Executive Board of icon added value responsible for research & Development: “We measure not only the classic performance, but can explain the mechanics of the spots in their interaction and identify specific optimization potential. The preference & intensity shift, the two most important target parameters, if advertising is to sell, we determine the potential separately. For the acquisition of new customers, as well as for the stronger binding of existing customers. The 5-scale measures also gradual preference changes. In the relevant betting bewerbsumfeld. They are fine and stable. “Benchmark database and international use today’s launch were before performed numerous pilot tests with 20 spots from different industries.” There are now over 400 awareness and more than 100 shift values in the company’s database. Benchmarks are already available. As institution with global customers and part of the global added value group is ensured that the ad speed international works. From a technical standpoint easily in Europe, United States and Australia. “In Asia “and Latin America we employ first speed the ad as a Studio test, because these countries still have no sufficient high speed Internet penetration”, as Hildegard basement core. And yet the cost advantage remain unchanged. Basement core continued: “With ad speed we can in less than half of the time test the performance of TV spots and for the decision of our customers deliver relevant results.” Anne-Kathrin Kirchhoof head of corporate communications, icon added value