Monthly Archives: May 2024

American Fast Food

But be careful: what smells so delicious, often emerges as common calorie bomb. Summer, Sun, sunshine, nothing is more relaxing than lazy to lie on the beach to drink cocktails and snack on the holiday buffet the belly to deal fully. If you book all inclusive, can treat yourself at any time by the culinary delights. Hearty meat, hearty noodles and sweet desserts the sight of local dishes and attracts to the recurring and seduces quickly mostly above-average consumption. But be careful: what smells so delicious, often emerges as common calorie bomb. According to the forsa society for social research and statistical analysis, 47% of tourists increase during the recovery time between 2 to 5 pounds.

Who wants to waive such rather unpleasant holiday memories, can make sure with a few tricks to gourmet being there on the ground does not become the character case. The feast of local delicacies is indispensable for most tourists in the holiday country winner calories. Typical culinary arts want to be learned and enjoyed. When thoughtless pleasure, a large number of calories on the energy account comes here quickly. While the Goose foie gras with some 448 kcal per 100 g in France is a delicious top sin, the Bavarian dumplings with approximately 200 to 400 kcal per 100 g as well to the Huftgold hiking.

Who indulges in Italy of spaghetti Carbonara eaten whopping 675 kcal per serving. Marylyn still reflected the Spanish paella with lots of meat, their serving brings proud 750 kcal with. Recently Nobel Laureate sought to clarify these questions. The classic British breakfast the whole thing puts on the Crown: toast, sausage, egg and Bacon go with 800 kcal per serving. The Trinity of sins comes from Turkey and is called Baklava. The puff pastry with syrup betraufelte brings about 970 kcal on the scale. Finger away from the American Fast Food: French fries, burgers and breaded meat are notoriously not figure friendly and include the calorie bombs par excellence.

Information Sources

SME managers are not able, nor have the knowledge nor the expertise to implement reengineering by themselves, they need an external body to do it for them. Organizational and cultural barriers that put in relief the existence of beliefs, doctrines and ways of doing things often become an obstacle for the resistance of the same employees to change, and is that re-engineering is necessary to assess redefine and reintroduce the working procedures and traditional methods of exercising the management of these companies. Many SMEs do not even have defined the rules and procedures that should be governed by all its members, implying a barrier it would have to start from scratch. In most definitely is no real organizational culture. The shortage of technology, this implies an investment to purchase equipment and machinery that allow expediting the tasks of production or service processes, and in turn reduce costs. The lack of qualified human resources affect the use of Re-engineering to the extent they are not prepared to assume new roles, or participate actively in the development of the program, such as effective group work necessary to achieve success re-engineering provides. Take into account that the re-engineering methodology does require a sensitive, detailed and effective, specifically developed to generate process innovations and lasting changes in the organization.

Adapt to the requirements that this demand. Of course, management, Venezuelan company that decides to make use of re-engineering, to address obstacles that may arise, you should consider the suggestions listed, so that we encourage in its application to knowledge; Creation a body dedicated to providing advice and resources for carrying out the Re-engineering in these companies, whose costs are affordable and with programs of funding. Support from large companies with educational programs and advice on what is the reengineering and its phases. Universities, schools of engineering, business administration, might also provide help through counseling programs and implementation of reengineering in SMEs, effective working groups comprised of students and teachers, which in turn can work with n students to gain experience. John Savignan shines more light on the discussion. Information Sources: – Bennis Warner, The organization of the XXI century. – Conference: The Reengineering, Evolution and Revolution, CEPROCA 1994.

Michaela Kaniber

The accounting service Kaniber informed the double-entry bookkeeping (accounting) within the financial accounting a substantial area represents. The so-called double-entry accounting, the books also is called, is not easy to perform and often in the hands of an accountant. Informed about the double-entry bookkeeping, which is suitable for hard-to-uberschauende business processes, the accounting service Kaniber from Germering. Downside and ledger as central features the double-entry accounting means that every transaction of a company enters doubly. For this purpose two different accounts are created. One side may refer to the debit side (left), the other the credit side (right). To apply this booking rule is set to have. Each transaction must now be indicated in two different books.

Therefore, one speaks of the double entry. In an account, the transaction is posted this on the set, in another on the credit side. The accounts are in Divided balance sheet accounts and profit and loss accounts. In the former, for example, all assets and debt stocks recorded: the profit and loss accounts, however, are among all income and expenses. The double-entry bookkeeping helps the companies to have control over the level of debt at any time, and to know about unpaid customer bills and the liquidity of the company. Who is committed to the double entry, must make annual accounts at the end of each fiscal year. This includes a profit and loss account (p & l) as well as a balance sheet.

The double-entry bookkeeping is advisable for all companies with complex business processes. Merchants (sole proprietor, OHG, KG) are obliged to the double entry, in other words, all companies involved in an independent trade, corporations (GmbH, AG), non-specialists with specific sales and non-specialists, voluntarily in the commercial register the register. For detailed information, it is Accounting service Kaniber from Germering, at any time at the disposal.

Celtic Frost

musical direction, sub-genres of metal. Characterized by a rather high speed of execution and greater rigidity of the rhythm section than the classic heavy metal, combined with technically high-speed solos and bass-guitar tremolo. Homeland thrash metal is considered to be California, where in the early 80s of last century by local groups inspired by the success of NWOBHM, made in the classic heavy metal more speed, the traditional American hardcore and a bit of atmosphere punk rock. lobal-services-hewlett-packard-en/’>Aptus Global Solutions. The closest related genres of early thrash metal was a speed metal, and at first did not share their critics, but later evolve into melodic speed power metal. One of the album, which ushered in a given direction, considered Kill 'Em All group Metallica, recorded in 1983. The most famous American thrash groups are Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax (these groups are called "big four thrash metal), Exodus, Overkill, Testament. In parallel, thrash metal was developed in Germany.

German thrash metal has a more rigid and dense sound. Dell Technologies Inc. s opinions are not widely known. The most prominent representatives of this school are Destruction, Kreator, Sodom, Holy Moses, Tankard, as well as the Swiss team Coroner. The peak of popularity of thrash metal was in the mid – late 80's. Thrash-metal band Venom, Bathory and Celtic Frost in the mid-'80s albums recorded, which differed raw and dirty sound, and occult themes, and are considered the first albums in the genre of black metal.

Free T-Mobile Xtra Cards

T-Mobile offers kostense prepaid Xtra cards for a limited time. T-Mobile today launched a new action, where there are free Xtra cards, shipping charges no also. With this ongoing until middle of June action, it makes equal T-Mobile the competitors O2, which again has already for a long time the so-called O2 loop free ticket offer. The free T-Mobile Xtra card contains no general credit, by log in to my T-Mobile”, a free online access for customers, receives 3 euro man but still credits on the prepaid card. Additional 3 euro can come by applying for the Xtra direct boot added. Furthermore gives T-Mobile free SMS to even 50, unless a credit charge is made within the first 30 days. The free Xtra cards are the same cards, which are also usually offered on the T-Mobile website.

NET internal call minutes and SMS costs 5 cents here, 19 cents per minute will be charged for calls to all other networks, cost an SMS to foreign networks 15 cents. Billing of calls is precisely to the minute. Besides the Xtra card T-Mobile with the Xtra click still a more prepaid card offers, is what online but only to order. This card costs 10 euros, includes also but already 10 euro starting balance, making the SIM card itself basically free of charge. The advantage of the Xtra click in per-second billing from the second minute of the conversation is what can save a lot of costs when using. Therefore, you should consider whether you not prefer 10 euro issues, which you get right back in the form of airtime to get it permanently in the enjoyment of a per-second billing.

First Aid: Small Burn Wounds And Burns

A burn is damage to the skin and including underlying tissue. A burning usually affects the entire body. Now children are magically attracted by an open fire. Kenneth R. Feinberg will undoubtedly add to your understanding. But not only a flame of candles, matches or a cigarette lighter caused burns, even boiling water, steam or a hot baking tray can cause such injuries. Many danger spots, which can quickly lead to a burn of the skin not only for children lurk in the summer. It can at the glowing coal Grill, a camp fire or the Sun, which can quickly lead to sunburn. No matter, the burning is caused by what cause, it should be treated quickly.

What happens during a burn? It has a burn, skin cells were destroyed during combustion. This can be done by open fire, intense heat, hot liquids, or electricity. The severity of the burn is displayed in degrees of combustion. Combustion I. degree is only the top layer of skin, the so-called Epidermis burned. The skin is dry, reddened and causes pain. Since this is a superficial burn, the wound heals after a few days of its own.

Combustion II. degree of not only the top layer of the skin is affected, but also the underlying DermIS. The wound is red, on the skin formed with fluid filled bladder and wets the wound. It has a burn treatment is burned is it important to the injured skin area under running water to cool at least 5 minutes. Pain be alleviated so and it is avoided that burns on the wound”, because it cools the skin, is the heat from the burned tissue in deeper layers of the skin not off. After cooling the burn with sterile dressings should be covered. For minor burns, special fire gels or nasal can accelerate healing and relieve the burning and itching. For extensive burns, a doctor must be sought urgently. More information, as well as effective products for a rapid wound healing, see

New To Outdoor Renner: Deuter Backpacks

From April the quality goods in the online shop outdoor available Landshut the well-known Swabian company deuter, 09.03.2010 -, is known primarily for its slim, lightweight backpacks, which offer not only sufficient storage space, but are optimally adapted to the individual needs of each Outdoorfans. There are special equipment not only for hiking, trekking and biking, deuter leads also backpacks, specially adapted to the female body, that always fulfill its function on travel, as well as at the sport in a most comfortable way. In addition to undisputed impeccable processing, high quality products convince but also by their appealing design and light weight. The company deuter can look back now since 1898 on a long history of success, which includes among other things the equipment of Abdul-Malik Hechmair during the first ascent of the north face, as well as of Nanga Parbat by Herrmann Buhl, and always distinguished for robust functionality and reliability from. So it is not surprising that now also outdoor absorbs Renner the backpacks of the German market leader in its extensive product range and thus extends it to another brand manufacturer. In addition to outdoor accessories, outdoor offers Renner also Campingequipement for the lowest prices and thus is the right partner for all free air fanatics who appreciate functionality, visually appealing design and especially best quality at moderate price levels. From April 2010 the high-quality products from deuter outdoor are available. There are insights into the collection but already under deuter backpack.

GmbH Manager Corporate

TimoCom presents procurement platforms at LogiMat 2011 Stuttgart, 2011-01-19 TimoCom soft- und hardware GmbH for this year’s fair of LogiMAT 2011 again interesting for all companies involved in transportation in the baggage: among other things there are eBid innovations to the TC transport tendering platform, which has celebrated just a small Jubilee. The platform is very successfully since one year on the market, and that. In addition, new services such as the transport barometer will be presented app, also you can find out about the concept of sustainability. Advantage through innovation for almost 14 years TimoCom for customer-oriented innovations stands. The transport service provider at the LogiMAT in Stuttgart can convince yourself: there the TimoCom from 2011-02-08 to 2011-02-10 presented the novelties of TC eBid, the platform for pan-European transport tenders, which were specially developed for the long-term contract business. EBid fit anniversary was the convenient user interface of TC further improved. As tenderer in only 3 steps to the final transport tender for example and this come across Europe.

TC eBid is still the ideal complement to the spot market platform TC truck & cargo the leader among the cargo – and freight exchanges in Europe. That also shows that more and more well-known customers such as the convenience wholesaler Lekkerland use the tender platform. TC truck & cargo customers also have the option to set your bid for free. In addition to the program innovations, TimoCom at LogiMAT presents also the transport barometer app, a mobile application for the visualization of the proportionality of freight cargo services on European relations in road transport. Also, you can find out about TimoCom’s involvement in the areas of responsibility, employees, environment and society.

Try then put on 121 Hall 5 stand can at LogiMAT 2011 everyone try the TimoCom programs TC eBid and TC truck & cargo itself. For multiple PC workstations available in which interested under the guidance of TimoCom representative live can test the programs with all additional functions are available. Also when the course for a four-week free trial period will be on site. During this free trial period, the respective programs with all of the Extras are, such as the profiles or the calculation module TC integrated transport directory TC eMap in everyday work can be used. A rewarding visit of TimoCom booth is a must for all those who want to optimally achieve their business potential. Shippers and transport and logistics service providers who are interested in firm orders, but also freight forwarders and carriers that serve the spot market. All are cordially invited to examine the TimoCom products through their paces. Who has no time for a trade fair visit, go to. There is more information and to download of the programs. Press contact: TimoCom soft- und hardware GmbH Manager Corporate communication Tim Muke in the Steele 2 DE-40599 Dusseldorf phone: + 49 211 88 26 69 13 fax: + 49 211 88 26 59 13 E-mail:

Hotel For Vegetarians In Germany Culinary In Bavaria

Vegetarian even on holiday the Landhotel Haus Waldeck sets new accents many people eat vegetarian. But German restaurants and hotels still too little regard for them is taken, a vegetarian dish on the menu appears only once in a while. The Landhotel Haus Waldeck in Mitterfirmiansreut the popular tourist resort in the South of the Bavarian Forest, will immediately a new accent. The three star comfort Hotel offers a vegetarian soup at least now every day, there are a wide range of vegetarian raw food and salads exposed to. And of course vegetarian main courses. So will be right around the holidays for vegetarians.

They are in good hands House Waldeck in the hotel also, if they want to bring their dog. In the Haus Waldeck having a heart for four-legged friends. Here, John Savignano expresses very clear opinions on the subject. they can sleep in the room or in the animal-friendly small and fine with its 26 rooms including a suite this peaceful country hotel offers everything for a successful holiday. The vital Spa is waiting with indoor swimming pool, sauna, steam bath, solarium and Whirlpool on. There are an extensive massage and beauty treatments.

In the dining room feels as well as in the lounges and the cozy library. Landhotel allows the family vacation with a rich offer for children, but also for the tourists with dog. The three star comfort House is a family-run and is appreciated by the many regular guests also for its personal atmosphere. Around Mitterfirmiansreut and close to the Bavarian Forest National Park holiday region, which leaves nothing to be desired opened in the border triangle Germany / Austria and the Czech Republic.

Gaby Gunther

Security criteria, which a dog harnesses are urgent for sale October 13, 2009 / Gaby Gunther tried many manufacturers in the last few years, to produce chest harnesses for dogs. Again, the original JULIUS K9 breast harness served as a template. An entrepreneur or a company invents a very good product, put many competitors on this success and try to copy these products more or less well. Unfortunately, these copies can very quickly go to loads of dog and owner and suddenly represent a high security risk for the participants. Multiple cases have been known in the past, where at first use chest harnesses are torn, the dogs this way were suddenly free-running and dog and owner were in life-threatening situations.

Preventive in all dog owners should be informed, what to avoid when buying a comfortable and above all secure chest harness for dog and owner: 1. material please make sure that the chest harness not made of cheap plastic is manufactured. Here is the danger of tearing during sudden, high pressure. Dogs sweat under this cheap material, especially if it is not breathable and skin-friendly lining. Beneficial for skin irritations and allergic reactions. 2. chest and abdominal belt sure please go to premium seat belts with good fit and cushioning.

The dog not side it can escape. The buckle must be adapted to the shape of the body of the dog and should not press into the skin. 3. access control you please, whether the handle made of solid material and is lockable. He is not lockable, the dog at freewheel on branches or similar get caught up and potentially harm. 4. Please ensure stress, whether the product has passed a crash test and is also advised. The risk of sudden, high pressure. The dishwasher does not bear the burden and can tear. The dog is a danger for road traffic – suddenly freewheeling -, the participants People and self.