Monthly Archives: May 2024

Statesmen Patriots Patrons Devotees

What do statesmen, patriots, patrons, devotees of new music and songs. Censorship or stimulation of talent? Article 9 of the series 'creation of new songs and music' The author – Vladimir critique of attempts at censorship iskusstveNedavno came across a rather harsh article criticizing the timid attempts to introduce in Ukraine, something similar to the censorship of art – a national commission to protect public morals. Arguments of the author reduced, in fact, the three main theses: 1. Who are the judges? 2. Hands are short! 3.

Long live anarchy – the mother of order "Perhaps with all these theses, I would agree, but each only partly. The truth is usually in the middle, and solve the problem better method of "carrot and stick" You ask why? Because on the one hand, the fairly substantial period of my life (for myself) is satisfied that the vast majority of working effectively rules: 1. If There are two diametrically opposite points of view, the truth lies between them, 2. The most effective way of practical solutions to any problem – the application of the method of "carrot and stick". On the other hand, common reflection it becomes apparent that both critics and criticized totally forgot about pryanike.Poprobuem in terms of benefits for the music, song and art, more importantly, for society (which consists of us – people) to assess where the same is the "golden mean" of each of the above tezisov.Otsenku music and songs at the moment can only give people – ekspertyNachnem with the judges.

Engineering Training Courses

The author of the training course will focus on the nuances of the participants design and implementation of the ACS design decisions, requirements and rules of cabling standards ISO 11801 and TIA/EIA-568B, are treated ambiguously or require an explanation of the expert. In the training course will cover ways to save money allocated to the customer on the implementation of the SCS. By the way, all the money saved on the site, according to the Civil Code, when properly written contract, may be obtained completely performer. And I'll show you a few ways the original location of the passive and active equipment in telecommunications closets and cabinets, which you not find in any book of the SCA to meet fully the requirements of standards and saves space in cabinets and racks telekommunikaitsonnyh without compromising the quality of the cable distribution of the flows. You will receive answer the following questions: how best to enter the top and bottom of telecommunications cabinets and racks, how best to accommodate equipment installation in structural elements, which is better to install 19 'telecommunications Cupboard width 600 or 800, that the right to use the patch panels with RJ45 or motocross panel 110 in the horizontal and backbone subsystem, how to count the number of pairs and optical fiber in the backbone, as quickly and accurately calculate the passive equipment for technical and commercial proposals, whether establishes a distribution center a few floors, and how best to place distribution points, public sulchayah use shielded system, it is better to choose as optical modules, SC, SC-D, ST, LC, MT-RJ or may be multi-port optical telecommunications modules in a type of MPO distribution and puntkah outlets, whether it is necessary to put sockets in the corridors telemmunikatsionnye; that design, if you specify the design or the TOR do not specify the category or density of telecommunications outlets, how best to arrange telecommunications outlet in the room, what are the requirements for telecommunications facilities and conduit, how to design a cable route with the requirements of standards, how to select and calculate telecommunications cabinet or rack, you can run in parallel trains and twisted-pair cable and of course we will consider other issues are equally important questions … .

Intershop Karsten Schneider

Directions, Germany’s biggest online cash bonus program tucked away on its website as of now three virtual surprise eggs. Who finds it, can win an HP Photosmart digital camera. Jena, may 5, 2009. So-called Easter eggs”there in the Web world not only at Easter, but throughout the year. These are virtual surprises, which are only revealed when clicked in place. Our Web Designer Tom Peters has hidden three such virtual surprise eggs with the three given name of his mother for mother’s day.

Who finds it up to mother’s day, has the chance to win an HP Photosmart digital camera,”says directions Director Kerstin Schilling. Deadline for submission of the search is May 10, 2009. The legal action is excluded. For all the surprise her mother on mother’s day with a photo gift want to here a tip. About this is particularly cheap. In addition to the 2 percent of cash bonus, that move with every purchase on the bonus account, the user can redeem coupons also. Numerous “Shops of the directions section photo and camcorder” such vouchers to some offer exclusively apply for directions.

And who egg while looking after the Easter”is struck it not, will receive directions of course also 2% cash bonus when buying a digital camera. About directions: is cash back bonus program with the largest number of partner shops on the Internet. Instead of premiums and coupons, users receive cash transfers which directions from 30 euros on your own account. Directions credits 2% of the net goods value to users when online purchases and pays a starting credit of 10 euros at initial registration. It is free to use. Directions was founded in September 2007 by the co-founder of the software provider Intershop Karsten Schneider and Kerstin Schilling and Roland Fahie. Press contact: Ulrike Schinagl, Tel 90 71, email

Caution When The Energy Consumption Of The Espresso Maker

Coffee Maker are in the trend, because coffee is always estimated. Many homes have a high-priced coffee with practical additional features, such as a milk on foam nozzle. Only very few know that such a coffee can become the guzzlers. But enough compliance with simple instructions in order to avoid cost traps. Energy-efficient models reduce power consumption older and cheaper coffee for coffee year exceed the scale of 55 KW. You can save 20 euros a year with the common Stromspartipps. The common Stromspartipps save 20. This may be better to drink a cup of espresso.

An appropriate low power model helps to preserve the Gedlbeutel.It is worth to think so on the energy consumption for the choice of the manufacturer. Many are run by their coffee all day in the stand by mode. Even if it is practicable, as water reached his operating temperature very quickly, but counting on the year to be paid a lot of unused power. Separate models with auto-off feature After a period of time and increase energy efficiency. Often, this interval can be individually programmed and tailored to your own needs. Professor Rita McGrath can provide more clarity in the matter.

The auto-off function should be a most buying criterion, in order to save money. ations. So to save money with older devices who at older coffee without auto-off feature, the plug pulls, uses the simplest way and way save to the current. A time switch between connected, programmed on the peak times makes the Energiesparen.Mit a timer, facilitates you to energy saving. However, not every unit has a stand-by indicator and consumes so unrecognized Strom.Manche have no standby light, which does not mean that they consume no power equipment. Only who measure by hand again with a Strommessgeart, can be sure that his model consumes but not yet current. Also regular descaling prolongs the life of the coffee in addition effect increased energy consumption contrary to

The Prepaid Discount Brought Prices To The Jumbled

New prepaid discount stores in the German mobile market push why mobile telephony may be beneficial since 2005. Many companies such as Tchibo, Aldi and other food discount stores and drug stores offer cheap prepaid plans for mobile phones, which are characterized by a simple tariff structure and favourable prices for call minutes and SMS. In addition, there is now also a flat-rate tariff of Tchibo, with which you unlimited can call at the price of 12.95 euros a month in the German fixed network. Disadvantages at the prepaid discount stores are often less favourable settlement in the minute instead of 60/1-stroke or the fee-based mailbox. Precise 60/1-clocking smobil offer 20 cents, Tchibo and Aldi with 13 cents and 15 cents per SMS and conversation minute. Aldi talk customers can be on the phone even for 3 cents per minute. Fonic, FreenetMobile, simyo and, however, offer SMS and Talktime minutes to all networks uniformly for 9 cents, but in the less favourable 60/60 clock. There is a similar offer by congstar, BILDMobil and callmobile with 9 cents per conversation minute and simply and solomo with 8.5 cents a minute per call.

To note is however, that the cost per SMS at BILDmobil, simply and smobil is higher in contrast to other providers, the cost per SMS as per conversation minute, namely 14 cents at BILDmobil, 15 cents at simply and 17 cents at smobil. Also, the voice mail retrieval is chargeable at simply and callmobile.These tariffs are undercut by mXXim with 8 cents per SMS and conversation minute. Solomo is a reseller of the new network operator like PTT mobile and sunsim vistream, who operates strictly speaking not an own network and is based on the infrastructure of its partner E-plus. PTT mobile offers call network internally and in the fixed network for 8.9 cents, to other mobile networks for 18.9 cents and SMS for 14 cents. Less is sunsim with 8 cents a minute per call network internally and in the German Festznetz, and 18 cents to other mobile operators. Two providers for voicemail retrieval costs: 14 cents at PTT mobile and 16 cents at sunsim. The prepaid plans the new providers are certainly an alternative to the incumbent network operators and mobile operators. However, they have also disadvantages such as unfavorable timing or the fee-based mailbox. Also in the costs for calls to other customers of the same prepaid provider, there are often discounts. It is worth so here, too, to compare the rates.

Study Abroad In Barcelona: The Number 1 For American Students

Why pick students to study in Barcelona? If one is offered the opportunity to study in any city in the country, how to choose himself? Usually consult the students about the range of cities, and finally chose a city that gives you the best round to experience. It is therefore no surprise that Spain and Barcelona in particular, many students at the top on the list is likely. According to, Spain is currently the home of approximately 25,000 American exchange students. CEA global education has announced that Barcelona is the most popular destination for overseas students, despite the fact that offers this company abroad programs around the world. Even different programs for Barcelona is offered by many of the organizations of that offer the possibility of studying abroad, as well as API (academic programs international), IES (international education of students), or abroad and CSA (Center for study abroad). Many writers such as expert on growth strategy offer more in-depth analysis. For example, CIEE has 8 different programs alone for Barcelona! Why is Barcelona the best choice? Barcelona is the cosmopolitan capital of Europe. The city is considered one of the largest centres for culture and since the middle ages. Barcelona attracts thousands of tourists from around the world.

Although Madrid offers good opportunities for students who want to study abroad, choose however many students of Barcelona due to the unique experience that offers you to Catalonia, as well as the excellent location and the Mediterranean coast. In addition, Barcelona has numerous beaches, a fantastic nightlife, and a large number of modernist works of art by artists such as Antoni Gaudi. His independent, dynamic and diverse culture also contributes to the charm of the city and Barcelona makes it the ideal place for a stay abroad. To live in Barcelona, allows to meet the foreign students, Spanish and international students and to get an understanding what it means to be a resident of a world city. Apartment Barcelona students who choose Barcelona as a destination for your study abroad, accommodation, which is of course you might want and feel at home. For many, the stay abroad means the first time far away from family and friends, therefore is a safe environment and an apartment that meets all the needs of the students, indispensable. Apartment Barcelona has over 500 apartments throughout the city, allowing the students to choose their ideal second home from the range of apartments in Barcelona. Apartments in Las Ramblas in Barcelona Beach apartments, you will find everything at apartment Barcelona. Students who come to the city for several months, will enjoy modern accommodations in a setting that is perfect for you. Also available our helpful agency team the students at any time, and helps you find the perfect apartment in Barcelona.

Ventas Money

And how it applies to your life! The Secrets of Internet Success How to Succeed on the Internet and achieve wealth. Chapter 1 .- The product Triumphant in Internet products, and why. In any business, money, profits, there are always the same site, de las Ventas. It may be that departments Directors are useful and have their function. It may be that the assembly lines are important.

However, what really is true, is that nobody in a company, No, you can collect a single dollar until the dollar has gained through the sales. If you were a businessman, the Master of Your Own E-commerce, think. From where would come the benefits? Where does the money? De Sales, as with absolutely every business. The Baker's street, maybe it feels good doing the bread every morning, but really do you live? Sales of bread that every day. Get more background information with materials from Professor Rita McGrath. The Plumber in your city, you may feel useful fixing leaks water from the bathrooms of people, but really do you live? Sales of repair service that you make every day. The officer who orders the paperwork generated by the automobile company that is four blocks from home, you may feel useful and important ordering insurance papers and orders, but really do you live? Where do you get the money to pay? Car Sales of vendors who make this company every day. Do you realize? In every enterprise, whether in Services, Products, or whatever, the money, benefits, and only just entering the sales made. Salen Products (or services) and enters, in turn, money.

Variety Of Balconies

Russians like apartments with balconies. The real estate market apartment without a balcony are cheaper compared to the same shelter, but with a balcony. And these days people love him glazing. Gazebo to some extent extends the living area of apartments, offsetting its lack. Balcony is emerging from the plane of the wall facade of the house enclosed area which serves to relax in the summer. Please visit Professor Rita McGrath if you seek more information. A loggia is a built-in or built-on, open the outer space, usually fenced on three sides by walls (with two – with the angular location of) the placement. And balconies and loggias can be glazed. What are the possible options for glazing balconies and loggia? Standard glazing is a wooden frame with a conventional glass.

Nowadays it is used less and less. If sheathe the inside walls or hardboard paneling, it will increase the temperature of the air on the balcony at the 2-3 degrees and slightly reduce street noise. But we should not forget that the frame should not only properly install, but also handle the seams and joints with silicone sealant, foam, strengthen the sill and visor. The cost of such glass depends on the materials used. Balcony design with a conventional wooden window frames and single glazing can only protect against wind, rain and snow. ‘Cold’ aluminum.

This design represents aluminum frame with single glazed with a minimum thickness of 5 mm. Sliding sash do. Aluminum loggia or balcony looks elegant, but has a low thermal insulation. The difference in temperature on the street and in the glass loggia – 5-7 degrees. This is one of the most common in our time means glazing. Cold glazing a balcony or loggia allows to save space, because windows are sliding. Except that design can make up to 30 cm in front and sides, thus increasing the terrace area. Aluminum structures for glazing of loggias and balconies are relatively light, which allows you to install them on all types of balconies and loggias. With a warm glazed room balcony or loggia will be well protected from frost, excessive heat and noise. For a warm glass can be used pvc profiles, or ‘warm’ aluminum. Profile pvc with Fiberglass – almost perfect protection against cold and noise. Please Note: The interior walls glazed ‘in plastic’ balcony or loggia must necessarily be insulated with plastic panels. Otherwise, the walls will fall moisture, and subsequently will certainly mold. ‘Warm’ aluminum. In the aluminum profile and add a thermometer insert through this glazing excellent protection from the cold. Such glazing goes even more expensive than pvc, so aluminum structures are appropriate when your balcony or loggia have an unusual configuration.

Active Location

jackMobile more for a secure life would afford with button 5 light no matter whether your child is entered in the wrong bus and suddenly no longer knows where it is or it has an uneasy feeling on the way to school home. “It is safe with key 5: I can inform my parents quietly, quickly and easily, and they know then also right where I am!” Because it’s often only the small difficulties, confuse the kids in everyday life. And equal to the 112 call? For this, the threshold is often too high. This button 5 comes in light. As an extension of the mobile location service TrackYourKid, the service should provide for a feeling of safety in everyday life and be of help for small problems. Light button 5, families need no additional equipment.

Mobile phones help button enough so”on the phone works. From two parents phones out can specify up to five children phones to see at TrackYourKid. For 36 euro a year, parents can now locate children cell phones. With the additional service light button 5 in the 36-euro package by TrackYourKid booked in addition to may, it is now possible that children actively send a location result at the parents and put out a call for help. Cost: between 35 and 50 cents a call for help.

Future jackMobile will build out the service button 5 to a separate product. People such as Professor Rita McGrath would likely agree. Then, children can touch of the button on the 5 “trigger a chain of emergency within their circle of trusted people. Once pressed the five multiple numbers, such as parents, aunt, and neighbor, be called at once. Locations are also possible. Expedite the arrangement with each other once again the family even in a Conference can make a call. To do this, you must assume only the emergency. More information about new features for jackMobile can be found here: content/neuheiten.php of jackMobile the jackMobile GmbH stands for innovative solutions for the most advanced and most direct means of communication in our time, the cell phone. Since 1998 we have dedicated to innovative, mobile solutions, that aims to make the lives of our customers simpler and safer. To our product portfolio includes SMS services, which enable efficient advertising or quick information and mobile phone tracking services that locate once logged-on cell phones at any time. Press contact: Sandra Hackurtz jackMobile GmbH, Nordring 74 45894 Gelsenkirchen Tel: 0209 / 380 67 14 fax: 0209 / 380 67 29 email: Web:

Keine Sonnenbanken Riskiert Alles, Was Sie Sich Hype Sind, Werden

Die Risiken der Solarium sind nicht alles, die was bis jetzt zu Tage gefördert wird. Beispielsweise kommen die Horrorgeschichten von Hautkrebs, die alle von ihnen erfuhr von Menschen waren auf der Tan falsch 20 bis 30 Jahre. Under most conditions Clayton Morris would agree. Weißt du, Hautkrebs eine Latenz von ca. 20-30 Jahren aufweist. Machen fast jedes Mal, dass, die Sonnenbrand in eine Tan Bonito, verschwinden würde, so dass die meisten Menschen an den Strand gehen und weiterhin ein Muster der Sonne verbrannt. Dies ist, was Ursachen Krebs, die Wiederholung der Sonne verbrannte Haut.

Es gibt also keine häufige Fehler des Risikos, dass Solarium. Nicht alle der Krebs in einer Box wie viele sagen. Einige andere Risiken der Solarium sind deine Augen. Wenn Sie keine Schutzbrille oder Schutzbrille verwenden möchten, gibt es ein gewisses Risiko. Dies ist eine Voraussetzung für alle Sonnenstudios Schutzbrille bereitstellen, aber niemand kann Sie wirklich die Usa machen.

Ohne sie, erhöhen das Risiko Solarium. Sie können ein Formular erhalten. Frühe Katarakt, und es könnte es sogar sein, temporäre oder vollständige Erblindung. Obwohl die Verwendung von Sicherheitsausrüstung fast unmerklich weiße Kreise um die Augen, das Risiko einer nicht mit ihnen, lassen kann, sind sie nicht für ihn. Sie können die Risiken der Solarium nicht Aufenthalt in ihnen langfristig reduzieren. Wenn Sie, dass nach dem Gerben Sitzung brennen bemerken, dann müssen Sie das nächste Mal, wenn Sie darauf die Zeit ein wenig zu reduzieren. Verbrannten Sonne ist das Schlimmste, was, das Sie für Ihre Haut tun können. Außerdem um das Risiko zu reduzieren, verwenden Sie sicher die Gläser für die Augen. Dies ist einer der vielen Artikeln erschienen wöchentlich über den Autor: Adam Murray ist derzeit der Webmaster und Autor von mehreren Websites, ist eines der neueren Ergänzungen.