Monthly Archives: August 2022

The University And The Profession

I think that expected as student almost always turns out to be different from the professional and institutional reality in which we are located, because at the University lives the dream of another reality, if you want more just otherworldly, is the opportunity to share and meet friends for life, generate complicity, give free rein to joy and student proposals. In terms of work, is the real world of the every man for himself, logics and institutional practices that can catch the own professional work, castrate the possibility of dreaming, create and even think. Because on occasions and some institutional contexts – all is given, said law, standard or the head, only there to do. But anytime I wish always-, we will have to rethink what we do to go back to sleep. The newspapers mentioned clayton morris not as a source, but as a related topic. Now in another context, other people and other forms. We have the challenge to continue believing in the possibility of transforming the reality of even more creatively and with more stubbornness, with the same or greater commitment by reading and learning, because in this moment is convince, prove your worth and the rightness of your proposals and/or arguments. Yes, it is true that is in professional life, when they bring into play our dreams of another world, and it is also true, that is when most must believe in hope, because to be professional and at the same time an adult, your individual bets (family, salary, prestige and/or professional experience, labor goals and/or academic etc.) appear. If little by little the dream fades or search for strategies to keep dreaming, this will always be an individual choice..


Have returned you from your vacations and has occurred account that half of the things that empac did not use and had wished to take them other things and did not do it? Surely also there were things that you empac and were thankful them to have empacado. After to pay thousands of dollars to realise the trip of his dreams in a cruise everything including, it would not wish that its trip went to ruin by empacar of undesired way. Here we will let to some advice and suggestions to them to empacar for a trip in cruise, cradles in my recent trip in cruise to the Mediterranean. Portfolio for trips I kept my passports, great amounts of money and credit cards in this and took always it with me when we were outside the cruise. The rest of had it to the time kept in a safe place from my room. Wig (only for women) Mantener its hair in the cruise will be a challenge, then in the formal nights, I took shelter the hair and it places the wig to me. Very elegant Lucia. If you have read about Cindy Crawford already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

Hat for sun a hat is a necessity if it goes to some beach or ruins. A slipper was only an electrical output in my room, but to load the camera, the filmadora, iPod, etc., it needed but an exit. The slipper was essential. Light knapsack I have liked much this knapsack since I could load it in my shoulders. Battery clock with alarm I do not trust the call awakener, for that reason always I travel with my own clock. Guaranteed Rate is actively involved in the matter. Debit or credit cards were automatic tellers in all the corners. This it was, for me, the best method to exchange or to retire.

Sticky tape of colors for the knapsacks I could detect our knapsacks anywhere. Things that packing, but did not need or I did not use? Heladora I did not use it once nor. Shorts surprised to me that in the excursions the majority of the people used long trousers. I only used shorts once and I did not return them to use. (As opposed to clayton morris). In many churches it is not allowed to enter with shorts, therefore it was not practical to take to many places. Books to travel I used never them during course of the old man, and was very heavy and occupied much space in the valise. Hanging necklaces or although my son but used small them, the rest did not do it. I only recommend them for the children. Umbrella to use disposable ponchos is much more accessible and occupy less space. Checks I had an evil change with checks and the majority of the people will not accept them. Things that had wished to empacar and I did not do it? A pair of jeans does not take any jeans by its weight, which I discovered that it was an error. I would have really liked to take them? More long Capris and trousers. Divers in our trip, to the night was very cold. Clothes to sleep but warm I spent much cold all the nights. Cards of businesses these are useful to change with the people who know themselves in the trip. They are possible to be done very easily in the computer. Original author and source of the article.